Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Haiti Baby!

Hello. I know It's been a while. I've missed this. So much change is going on lately and I could not be more thrilled about it! God is so good. I hear that all the time, but sometimes I forget to see it. I think a lot of times I get caught up in my own circumstance and I get my feelings hurt when people are less than encouraging. I forget to remember that my savior has conquered the world and that his hand is in my life. He loves me though I don't deserve it. He loves me without asking for it. He loves me and wants me to glorify him. How cool is that?

And I am so so so excited to say that he has blessed my with the opportunity to share his love in Haiti!!! I am so excited about this trip and that I get to go love on these kids. I love them already. I feel like my heart is just going to burst from my chest every time I think about it!

The countdown: 30 days!!!

If you are interested in supporting my trip financially,  you can donate through THIS website. On the first pulldown tab, select "Haiti", then "Special Projects".  At the bottom of the form, make sure you write "For Lauren's Haiti trip" in the comment box. If you choose this method, just let me know so that I can let my group leader know to be looking for it. 
To mail it in, make the check out to Hope for the Hungry, and attach a note to it that it is for Lauren’s Haiti trip.  
Send it to:
Hope for the Hungry 
PO Box 786 
Belton, TX 76513.
Thank you so much for your support!!!


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